Strategic Planning Committee

The primary purpose of Strategic Planning is to assist the INFORMS Board and Staff in identifying long-term trends and needs affecting the profession, defining areas of focus for INFORMS and its communities, and recommending goals and initiatives for addressing these needs. Goals are intended to provide focus for where the Institution wants to be in three to five years and where resources will be expended. Goals should be realistic and achievable. Initiatives are specific shorter-term efforts that will enable achieving the goals. Strategic planning is ultimately the responsibility of the Board, but effective strategic planning should depend upon a collaborative exchange of information, ideas, and analysis between the Board, members and the Staff.

To achieve this collaboration and to provide continuity of focus through changes in INFORMS leadership, the Past President and Executive Director shall play the key leadership roles in strategic planning, both by soliciting Staff input and expertise and by engaging the Board and the INFORMS membership at large in an ongoing dialogue regarding the trends, needs, areas of focus, and plans for addressing those needs and meeting those goals. The INFORMS Past President with the assistance of the Executive Director shall lead Board discussions regarding strategic planning and shall ensure broad involvement of INFORMS membership at large.

Strategic Planning shall include the following activities to be carried out by the INFORMS Executive Director supported by the INFORMS staff and working in close collaboration with the INFORMS Strategic Planning Committee and Board, and with overall supervision and direction from the INFORMS Past President.

2024-2025 Strategic Planning Committee

Laura Albert, Co-Chair, INFORMS 2024 Past-President

Elena Gerstmann, Co-Chair, INFORMS Executive Director

Dave Hunt, INFORMS 2024 President-Elect

Nicoleta Serban

Julie Hunter

Ruben A. Proano 

Alper Atamturk 

Vinod Cheriyan

Pelin Pekgun


Board Liaison: 2024 Past-President Laura Albert