Country: Singapore (SNP)
CFP-2014 7th International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering
August 8-10
Submission Deadline:2014-06-05
All accepted papers of ICACTE 2014 will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference by ASME Press, which will be included in the ASME Digital Library, and the publisher will send the proceeding to be reviewed by the Ei Compendex, ISI Proceeding and other major indexing services.
Call for Papers:
Artificial Intelligence
Automated Software Engineering
Computer Architecture & VLSI
Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems
Computer Based Education
Computer Games
Data Communications
Data Compression
Data Encryption
Data Mining
E-commerce and E-governance
Event Driven Programming
Expert Systems
High Performance Computing
Human Computer Interaction
Performance Evaluation
Theoretical Computer Science
Ubiquitous Computing
Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing
More topic: http://www.icacte.org/cfp.html
Submission Method:
Electronic Submission System; (.pdf)
Contact Us:
Ms. Care Y. Zheng
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +86-28-86528758 (AM 9:30--PM 12:00, PM 13:30--PM 18:00, Monday to Friday)