General Information
Tuesday, August 25, 2015 - Friday, August 28, 2015
Target Audience:
Academic and Practice
Country: Czech Republic (CZE)
Country: Czech Republic (CZE)
Event Details/Other Comments:
Scope of the conference
The conference will cover, but not be limited to, the following disciplines:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Science
- Engineering
- Management
- Manufacturing
- Mathematics
- Operational Research
The aim is to bring together scheduling researchers and practitioners from all the disciplines that engage with scheduling research. The scope of the conference includes (but is not limited to):
- Agent Based Scheduling
- Algorithmics
- Applications
- Automated Reasoning
- Batch Scheduling
- Commercial Packages
- Complexity of Scheduling Problems
- Constraint Logic Programming
- Delivery Scheduling
- Evolutionary Algorithms
- Heuristic Search
- Knowledge-Based Systems
- Large Scale Scheduling
- Local Search
- Machine Scheduling
- Meta-heuristic Search
- Multi-processor Scheduling
- Process Scheduling
- Production Scheduling
- Real World Scheduling
- Real-Time Scheduling
- Rostering
- Rule-Based Expert Systems
- Shop-Floor Scheduling
- Sports Scheduling
- Theoretical Scheduling
- Timetabling
- Transport Scheduling
- Vehicle Routing
Important Dates
29th Jan 2015: Deadline submission (full paper/abstract)
17th Apr 2015: Decision to authors
19th Jun 2015: Early registration due
25th - 28th Aug 2015: Conference
28th Aug 2015: This day will be a Social Day
Conference Chairs
Zdenek Hanzalek, Czech Technical University in Prague
Graham Kendall, University of Nottingham, UK
Barry McCollum, Queens University Belfast, UK
Premysl Sucha, Czech Technical University in Prague