Country: United States of America (USA)
State: (USA) California
This 2-day conference will be held in the exclusive Corinthian Event Center, an historic landmark in the heart of downtown San Jose. The main presentations will be held in the Corinthian Grand Ballroom, with numerous private rooms for breakout sessions, delivering abundant opportunities to learn, network, and get deals done. RenewFi-2 bring together investors, finance companies, project developers, practitioners and thought leaders in renewable energy finance, domestic and international policy, best practices for fundraising and project development, commercial renewable energy service and solutions providers. Industry leaders will show how finance structures and tax incentives deliver extraordinary financial returns as well as social and environmental benefits. Mostly focused on solar energy developers and financiers, working together to create partnerships in developing large-scale solar projects.
Danny Kennedy - CEO of Sungevity, Founder of SFunCube
Scott Jacobs - Managing Director & Co-Founder @ Generate Capital
Tracy Barba - Director of Communications @Social Finance, Inc.
PROGRAM INCLUDES: Keynote Speakers, Panels discussions, breakout rooms, and private discussions, Industry relationship building, lunch and snacks.
Panel Topics: Large Scale US [Renewable Energy] Project Development, Renewable Resources Fund Creation & Management, Renewable Energy Software, Commercial US Solar, Commercial Real Estate, Globally Regional areas of Interest, Renewable Company Incubation, Baseload Power & Infrastructure Solutions, Investment Software