In recent years, IT application scenarios have evolved in very innovative
ways. Highly distributed networks have now become a common platform
for large-scale distributed programming, high bandwidth communications
are cheap and widespread, and most of our work tools are equipped with
processors enabling us to perform a multitude of tasks. In addition, mobile
computing (referring not only to wireless devices and dynamically
configured systems, but also and especially to mobile agents and robots)
has made it possible to exploit interaction in novel ways.
To harness the flexibility and power of these rapidly evolving, interactiv=
systems, we need to come up with radically new foundational ideas and
principles. Now is the time to develop the theoretical foundations required
to design these systems.
Our computational goal is to discover techniques, models and algorithms
allowing us to construct systems that are flexible, dependable, secure,
robust and efficient. The prime focus is how to control and coordinate the
entities in the system. Cost and performance measures must account for
the integration of communication and computing, as well as the natural
interplay between structural information and complexity.