The conference is organized by the international Working Group on
Generalized Convexity (WGGC) (http://genconv.ec.unipi.it) and sponsored
by the Pacific Optimization Research Activity Group (POP)
(http://www.polyu.edu.hk/~ama/links/pop/an1.html). Previous conferences
in this research area took place in Vancouver-Canada 1980, Canton-USA
1986, Pisa-Italy 1988, Pecs-Hungary 1992, Luminy-France 1996 and
Samos-Greece 1999. The symposium is aimed at bringing together
researchers from all continents to report their latest results and to
exchange new ideas in the field of generalized convexity and generalized
monotonicity and its applications in optimization, control, stochastics,
economics, management science, finance, engineering and related topics.
The scientific program will consist of four invited lectures of 45
minutes (the full list of invited speakers will shortly be announced)
and contributed talks of 30 minutes.
Participants from all countries are welcome to attend and are encouraged
to present contributed talks.