AGIFORS will hold its annual Airline Operations Conference May 20 - 24, 2002. This year's meeting will be hosted by Alitalia Airlines in the picturesque city of Rome, Italy.
Conference Overview
Major topics to be discussed and reviewed relate to airport systems, aviation security, operations control, tactical planning, aircraft maintenance, and ground resource management. Come and share with us your ideas, thoughts, current trends, philosophies, and latest technological advances on any of the above topics. We look forward to seeing you May 20th at the Hotel Quirinale in Rome.
Official Sponsor
The Airline Group of the International Federation of Operations Research Societies (AGIFORS) is a society with the avowed purpose of forwarding the practice of Operational Research in airlines. The membership consists of Operational Research workers who are also employed by recognized civil airlines. There are, in addition, correspondents who are people keenly interested in the application of Operational Research to aviation problems.