AIRO 2011 - 42nd Annual Conference of the Italian Operational Research Society
Operational Research in Transportation and Logistics
Theme and Scope
The conference will address all areas of Operational Research,
with special emphasis on models and solution methods for decision
support in transportation and logistics.
Researchers are invited to submit an abstract of at most 2000
characters (spaces included), without mathematical formulas, by
April 30th, 2011. Required information for the submission are:
title, authors, affiliations, addresses and emails, three keywords
and at most five references. The speaker has to be indicated as
first author. The abstracts should be uploaded at the conference
web-site (http://airo2011.eco.unibs.it) according to the specified
Proposals for invited sessions are welcome. Researchers who are
interested to organize an invited session should contact the chair
of the Program Committee.
Selection of Papers
The AIRO 2011 Program Committee will select the papers to be
presented at the conference.
The conference is organized into plenary and parallel sessions.
Opportunities for software demonstrations are available. The
conference languages are Italian and English. Each speaker can
give only one talk.
Important Dates
April 30, 2011: deadline for abstract submission
May 30, 2011: notification of acceptance
June 10, 2011: deadline for early registration
September 6-9, 2011: conference
e-mail: [email protected]
web: http://airo2011.eco.unibs.it
Organizing Institutions
UniversitĂ degli Studi di Brescia
Associazione Italiana Ricerca Operativa (AIRO)
Conference Chairs
M. Grazia Speranza
Chair of the Program Committee
e-mail: [email protected]
Luca Bertazzi
Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee
e-mail: [email protected]
Renata Mansini
Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee
e-mail: [email protected]