Call for Participation and Poster Presentations
Invited speakers will present cutting edge results on research at the interface of biological networks and evolutionary genomics and development in an environment that promotes informal, interdisciplinary discussion. The meeting will bring together scientists from diverse backgrounds and perspectives for a free and exciting exchange of ideas in a relaxed atmosphere and beautiful location.
We invite you to join us. A limited amount of space is available for graduate students and listeners in the workshop. Participants are encouraged to present a poster on their newest results. We look forward to a lively discussion at a poster session on research in networks and evolution. However, poster presentation is not required for participation.
Due to the limited space available, online registration is required.
There is no registration fee but participants are expected to cover their expenses. Full-board accomodation at the center costs approximately 115 euros per night (110 if the room is shared).
In addition to online registration, please email Marie-France Sagot
([email protected]) stating your interest in participation.
If you plan to present a poster, include your title and abstract in html format.
A partial list of invited speakers for the meeting may be found at the web address