Country: China (CHN)
Call for Papers
The Fourth International Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization (CSO 2011)
Kunming and Lijiang, Yunnan, China, April 15-19, 2011
(Papers Due: October 15, 2010)
Accepted papers will be published in the conference CD proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society, which is indexed by EI Compendex and ISTP.
Computational Sciences and Optimization are two important disciplines in modern sciences concerned with many areas ranging from engineering, management, finance, and economics, to arts and humanities. Currently some new challenges arise in the modeling of complex systems, sophisticated algorithms, advanced scientific and engineering computing and associated problem-solving environments. Because the solution of complex problems must cope with tight timing schedules, powerful computational algorithms and complex optimization techniques are inevitable for solving some practical problems.
In order to strengthen academic exchanges and discussions on the fields of computational sciences and optimization, the Fourth International Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization (CSO 2011) will be held on 15-19 April 2011 in Kuming and Lijiang, Yunnan, China. The main theme of this conference is “Computational Sciences and Optimization for Engineering Practice”. We are pleased to invite you to attend this important event and to submit papers and workshop proposals. All accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society (EI and ISTP indexed). Some selected high-quality papers will be published in the special issues of several SCI/SCI-E indexed main-stream international journals.
Topics of Interest
The CSO2011 Conference solicitously invites original contributions on all relevant topics related to Computational Sciences, Applied Computing and Optimization Theory, Methods and Applications including, but not limited to:
Main Track A: Computational Sciences
# Numerical Algorithms and Analysis
# Computational Simulation and Analysis
# Hybrid and Combined Computational Methods
# Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation
# Problem Solving Environments
# Data Visualization and Virtual Reality
# Bayes Network and Belief Network
# Possibility Theory and Markov Models
# Advanced Computing Architectures
# Computational Mathematics
# Computational Physics
# Computational Chemistry
# Computational Biology
# Computational Graphics
# Computational Engineering
# Computational Intelligence
# Computational Economics and Finance
# Computational Linguistics
# Computational Statistics
# Computational Mechanics
Main Track B: Applied Computing
# Scientific and Engineering Computing
# Parallel and Distributed Computing
# Grid Computing and Cluster Computing
# Internet Computing and Web Computing
# Mobile Computing and Cloud Computing
# Embedded and Network Computing
# Ubiquitous Computing and Pervasive Computing
# Granular Computing and Soft Computing
# Bio-inspired Computing and Intelligent Computing
# Agent-based Computing and Autonomic Computing
# Kernel-based Computing and SVM
# Neural Computing and ANN
# Social Computing and Network Analysis
# Data Mining and KDD
# Text Mining and Event Mining
# Signal and Image Processing
# Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
# Heuristic and Meta-Heuristic Methods
# Artificial Intelligence and Machine Intelligence
# Economics and Finance Modeling
Main Track C: Optimization Theory, Methods and Applications
# Linear and Nonlinear Programming
# Stochastic Programming
# Integer and Dynamic Programming
# Parametric Programming
# Convex and Nonconvex Programming
# Nonsmooth Programming
# Fractional Programming
# Uncertainty Programming
# Semi-definite and Semi-infinite Programming
# Multi-level and Multiobjective Programming
# Varational Methods and Varational Inequalities
# Inverse and Ill-posed Problems
# Generalized Convexity
# Game Theory
# Fuzzy Optimization
# Global and Robust Optimization
# Combinatorial Optimization
# Network Optimization
# Finance and Industrial Optimization
# Managerial and Engineering Optimization
Important Dates
Full paper submission: October 15, 2010
Paper Acceptance Notification: December 1, 2010
Camera-ready papers: December 31, 2010
Registration: December 1, 2010- December 31, 2010
For more details about CSO2011, please visit the conference sites: http://www.gip.hk/cso2011/
Further Information, please contact: [email protected]