The 13th annual European Simulation Symposium concentrates on the industrial
application of simulators and computer technology. Increasingly the industrial
application of simulation is being used by companies, to analyze their relative
strengths and weaknesses and to focus on specific processes open for
improvement. With the integration of artificial intelligence and other modeling
techniques, simulation has become an effective and appropriate decision support
tool, as well. The exchange of techniques and ideas among universities and
industry, which support the integration of simulation in the everyday workplace,
is the basic premise at the heart of ESS'2001. ESS'2001 consists of four major
parts. A part concerns itself with simulation applications, another with
simulation methodology, then there are the workshops, the exhibition and last
but not least the poster sessions for students..
The application section covers: Automation, CAD/CAM/CAE, Defense Electronics,
Design Automation, Simulation in industrial Design, Industrial Engineering,
Industrial and Process Simulation, Manufacturing, OR, Business and Services
Simulations, Emergency Management, Environmental Sciences and Mission Earth,
Intelligence and Security, Logistics and Transport, Power Plants, Multibody
Systems, Aerospace, Training and Educational Support., Distributed Interactive
The methodologies section covers: Simulation Methodologies, Languages and Tools,
Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Based Simulation, Virtual Reality, Synthetic
Environments, Petri Nets and Performance Analysis.
There will be four theme specific workshops at the conference: the DEVS
workshop, the Ecology Workshop, the Bond Graph Workshop and the Artificial
Neural Networks Workshop. The DEVS Workshop will cover: Extensions to the DEVS
formalism, DEVS and Distributed DEVS frameworks, DEVS-based next generation
VHDL, DEVS standardization, DEVS applications
The Ecology Workshop's main goal is to enhance the transdisciplinarity and
to facilitate contacts and dialogs between computer scientists and specialists
of Environmental Sciences. Since 10 years the modelling process took benefits
from recent (and less recent) techniques of computer science : Object-Oriented
Languages, Discrete Event Simulation, Concepts
of Agent and Actor, Fuzzy Logic, UML, model - GIS interface, Web-based
simulation... Many, many simulators were built in the wide spectra of
environment managing, predictive models of forest growth, fishing, climate and
other biological processes.
Papers dealing with ecological modelling (in a large sense) are welcome. As for
instance few topics are indicated:
Applications: Environment managing, Waste managing, Ecosystem dynamics
(terrestrial and oceanographic ecology) Population dynamics (diseases &
epidemics, changes in biodiversity, genome, predat