Country: South Africa (SAF)
This conference aims to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and discussion among leading academics, researchers and practitioners on the latest developments and to seek opportunities for collaboration among the participants as well as to promote excellence in the field. Papers will represent the latest in academic thinking and successful case examples. The wider audience will therefore benefit from the knowledge and experience of leading practitioners and academics in this area. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings in CD-format. All abstracts of the papers will be printed in hard copy as well.
- Marketing
- Service Management
- Innovation and Design in Business
- Finance
- Banking
- Accounting
- Economics
- Insurance and Risk Management
- Production
- Industrial and Operation Management
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Strategic Management and Management
- International and Global Business Management
- Entrepreneurships
- Organization Behavior
- Business Ethics
- Business Law
- Business System
- Hospitality and Tourism Management
- Human Resource Management
- Office and Facility Management
Registration fee
Full Registrant US$ 450 - Early Registration
Full Registrant US$ 500 - Late Registration
Student US$ 350 - Early Registration
Student US$ 400 - Early Registration