Information has become a crucial resource for the transport industry.
Regardless of transporting passengers or freight, a vast amount of
information is produced, processed, communicated and stored. Tailored
information systems are designed to support these tasks in the domain of
transportation and traffic:
a Planning and scheduling of transport services is performed at a strategic,
tactical and operational level on the basis of information.
a Service information is passed on to various communication devices of the
end user. In particular, alerts are demanded in order to support online
decision making.
a The state of the transport system is observed in real time in order to
update customer information and to provide dynamic control of the transport
a Information systems help to keep pricing flexible depending on attributes
of service, demand distribution and transport capacity.
The above information tasks are subject of the MKWI track Information
Systems in Transportation and Traffic. The conference aims at an
interdisciplinary treatment of the complex issues mentioned above.
Researchers and scientists coming from Business Information Systems,
Business Administration, Economics, Computer Science as well as Mathematics
and Operations Research are strongly encouraged to contribute to the track.
Topics of interest to this track include but are not limited to:
a End-customer support
o Information and reservation systems
o Booking, electronic ticketing
o Passenger guidance systems
o Location based services
a Planning and scheduling support
o Transport network planning
o Fleet- and personnel management
o Vehicle routing and crew scheduling
o Pricing, revenue management
a Information technology
o Positioning and communication issues
o Tracking and tracing of services
o Dynamic passenger information
o Identification, inspection and security
Language options are German and English. We explicitly encourage submissions
from East European countries, also receiving particular emphasis at the MKWI
supporting program. Accepted papers will be published in a proceedings
volume, DSOR Contributions to Information Systems issued by the DS&OR Lab at
the University Paderborn. Papers are to be formatted using Microsoft Word
and a formatting style obtainable from http://www.winfo.tu-bs.de/mkwi.
Submissions are received at [email protected].
Important Dates:
Paper submission: September 1, 2005
Notification of acceptance: October 21, 2005
Camera-ready paper: November 15, 2005
Prof. Dr. Dirk Chr. Mattfeld, TU Braunschweig [email protected]
Prof. Dr. Leena Suhl University Paderborn [email protected]