The New Economic Policy was initiated in 1991 to accelerate the pace of economic growth. NEP consisted of economic reform measures and entry in World Trade Organization. Since then, the Indian industry has been facing increasing competition both within and outside the country. It has been responding to changing environment by evolving newer strategies and appropriate competence in managing technical, financial and human resources. Simultaneously, marketing strategies are being devised to meet the environmental threats and opportunities.
The conference will endeavour to identify emerging trends in competitive behaviour of Indian industry. It will examine significant processes of industrial restructuring such as mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, strategic alliances etc.
The conference will also be concerned with the reforms in the financial sector. It will review the new products and instruments introduced by financial institutions in order to effectively compete in the market.
The conference will also focus on the strategic changes in HR systems and practices necessitated by globalization and corporate restructuring. Some of the issues relate to empowerment, career dynamics, psychological contract, social implications of downsizing etc.
The conference recognizes that marketing plays a key role in achieving competitive advantage for an organization. Some of the themes which have acquired added significance in the recent past include integrated marketing communication, digital marketing, relationship orientation and product-service integration.