Country: Italy (ITA)
The most difficult part of making decisions in the health care field on all levels (national, regional, institutional, patient) is linked to the very complexity of the system itself, to the intrinsic uncertainty involved and its dynamic nature. This requires not only the ability to analyze and interpret a large amount of information but also to arrange that information for a cognitive base for adequate decision making.
Operational research, like other methods of statistical and economic-related quantitative analysis, supplies these decision making tools and methodology. Some of the methodologies used are simulation models and those pertaining to programming, predicting, monitoring and evaluation. Models for Operational Research are especially useful in the healthcare field where various actors (health care providers, administrative personnel, policy makers, companies, industries) must make coordinated, responsible decisions to ensure quality services to its citizens in a complex, decision-making environment that encompasses clinical needs, economic goals, ethical considerations, limited resource constraints, fast change and uncertain outcomes.
In this conference we provide answers to questions such as: how should available resources (beds, operating sessions, personnel) be assigned to each single, operative unit? How ought urgency and priority be taken into consideration in providing patient services? How many ambulances are needed and which of those must be available in an area in order to guarantee timely first aid? Keeping the community's needs in mind, how many beds must be reserved for acute cases versus those for rehabilitation? How can case complexity be considered in relation to cost variation? What impact does the introduction of new technology have, of a new way of organizing? How many positions for physical therapists, nurses, radiologists should be planned? How much can be saved by increasing home health care and social services for the elderly?
The XXXVI ORAHS Conference suggests an innovative point of view in answering these questions. The focus of the Conference is: "Operational Research for Patient - Centered Healthcare Delivery", an approach that requires complete re-organization of all steps in healthcare delivery. Much of the present operator and user dissatisfaction regarding healthcare services comes from the discrepancy in the people's needs and the system's answers. While the user has a broad formulated question, the answer of the system is fragmented. The following topics will be especially highlighted during the conference: the organization of therapeutic diagnostic protocols, chronic disease management, patient logistics, the evaluation of cost per pathology, healthcare and social service integration.