The University of Canterbury's Department of Management is pleased to host Conference Twenty Naught One of the Operational Research Society of New Zealand.
Call for papers
We welcome papers in operations research and decision modelling, especially papers on practical applications.
Submission of Abstracts - deadline 28 September 2001
Submit your abstract of 200 words or less, in plain text, by e-mail to the editor of the Conference Proceedings, John F. Raffensperger. We will notify authors of acceptance by 6 October 2001.
We prefer email submission, but if you wish, you may post your printed abstract to:
ORSNZ Twenty Naught One
Dept. of Management, Private Bag 4800
University of Canterbury
Christchurch, New Zealand
Submission of Papers - deadline 3 November 2001
Following acceptance of your abstract, we will ask you to submit a full-length paper for publication in the Conference Proceedings. These Proceedings will be issued to all participants and to all ORSNZ members.
Please see our web site for more details, http://www.mang.canterbury.ac.nz/orsnz/conf2001/.
See you at the Twenty Naught One!