Shakhty Institute (Branch) of South-Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute)
South-Russian State University of Economics and Service
Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki
carried out a conference
The Fourth International Theoretical and Practical Conference "Object Systems - 2011 (English session)"
Information Partners:
Community of System Analysts
The theoretical and applied scientific-technical journal “Information Technologies” with a monthly supplement
The monthly scientific-technical and production journal "Automation in Industry
The journal "Information technologies and computer systems"
10-12 November 2011, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
The conference is devoted to the principles of design, implementation and support of object systems and includes discussion on a wide range of topics. Well-known scientists and major specialists in the field of corporate information systems, representatives of universities and commercial organizations in Russia and abroad (Greece, Poland, Spain) take part in the conference. The conference is correspondence. At the end of the conference a collection of scientific works of authors is published with assigning it ISBN-code, which will be sent to the major research libraries of Russia. The electronic version of the collection is housed in the leading information directories and it is available on the conference website. This website provides an electronic personal certificate confirming participation in the conference. Participation is free.
The main topics of the conference
1. Graphical notations used in the Object Design of IS
2. Principles of Object Design of Information Systems
3. Object modeling tools
4. The theory of object-oriented programming
5. Methods (patterns) of object-relational mapping
6. The implementation and use of object extensions in relational databases
7. Design, development and implementation of distributed systems
8. Typical implementations of CIS with the use of object technology
9. Principles of organization and implementation of object databases
10. Problems of implementation of object DBMS
11. Simulation modeling of object systems
12. Temporal object systems
13. Problems of study (teaching) of object technology in the university
Important Dates
01.01.2011 – 15.10.2011 – accepting applications for participation in the conference and papers for publication
16.10.2011 – 30.10.2011 – reviewing and editing the submitted papers
01.11.2011 – 09.11.2011 – sending out notices of acceptance reports to the conference
10–12.11.2011 – formation of the Proceedings
20.12.2011 – 31.12.2011 – accommodation on the conference site an electronic layout of Proceedings with assigned ISBN-codes and personal certificates confirming participation in
the conference
Details about the conference can be found at http://www.objectsystems.ru/
We invite you to attend the conference and please inform all interested scientifics.
Regards, Pavel P. Oleynik, Co-chair of the conference, [email protected]