Country: Malaysia (MAL)
4th Global Conference on Power Control and Optimization (PCO'2010)
2-4 December 2010, Kucing Borneo Sarawak, Malaysia
Damai Puri Resort, Kucing, Sarawak
The scope of the conference includes, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Hybrid renewable energy and energy saving
- Power systems, protection and reliability
- Controllers, drives and machine design
- Smart system and dynamic robust system
- Mechatronics and nano physics
- Simulators and software engineering
- Soft computing and computational intelligent
- Fuzzy and hybrid optimization
- Bioinformatics and body sensors
- Inventory, queuing and game theory
- Control Systems
- Power Electronics
- Robotics and Sensors
- Artificial immune systems & neural network
- Evolutionary algorithms
- Ant colony, genetic and swarm optimization
- probabilistic and possibilistic optimization
- Production design and rough set
- Line, pattern searches and decision making
- Micro transportation and civil structure
- Cams & gear design and optimum valves
- Network communication and wireless sensor
- Scheduling and assignment problems
- Graph theory and supply chain management
- Simulation and Modeling
- Operational Research
- Intelligent Systems & Applications
- Energy, Hydrogen energy, Bio-energy and Fuel
- Heat transfer & Biomass
- Fusion technology
- Artificial immune systems & neural network
- Evolutionary algorithms
- Ant colony, genetic and swarm optimization
- probabilistic and possibilistic optimization
- Production design and rough set
- Line, pattern searches and decision making
- Micro transportation and civil structure
- Cams & gear design and optimum valves
- Network communication and wireless sensor
- Scheduling and assignment problems
- Graph theory and supply chain management
- Simulation and Modeling
- Operational Research
- Intelligent Systems & Applications
- Energy, Hydrogen energy, Bio-energy and Fuel
- Heat transfer & Biomass
- Fusion technology
- Organizing Committee
Prof. Dr. Nader Barsoum, Malaysia (Chairman)
Dr. Pandian Vasant, Malaysia
Dr. Rabi W Yousif, Malaysia
Dr. Jeffrey Webb, Malaysia
Steering Committee
Prof. Dr. Felix Chernousko, Russia
Prof. Dr. Andrew Kusiak, USA
Dr. Kenneth Adan, Malaysia
Dr. Rami Hikmat, Jordan
Dr. Sermsak Uatrongjit, Thailand
Dr. Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, Turkey
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Dr. Milun Babic (Serbia)
Prof. Dr. Tsu Tian Lee (Taiwan)
Prof. Dr. Mingcong Deng (Japan)
Prof. Dr. T. S. Zhao (Hong Kong)
Dr. Yew Soon Wong(Singapore))
Prof. Dr. Alan Oxley (Malaysia)
Prof. Dr. M. Ahmad Al-Nimr (Jordan)
Prof. Robert Grubbstrom (Sweden)
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Fedorov (Russia)
Prof. Wolfgang Borutzky (Germany)
Dr.Vitezslav Benda (Czech Republic)
International Program Committee
Please refer to http://www.pcoglobal.com
Submission of Full Papers:01/08/2010
Notification with Peer Review: 01/09/2010
Camera-ready Paper: 15/10/2010
Registration with Full Payment: 15/10/2010
All correspondence should be addressed to the conference secretariat:
Tel: 605 3711 416, 6085 44 3821
Email: [email protected]
Sincerely yours,
PCO'2010 Conference Secretary General
PCO Global
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Dr. Milun Babic (Serbia)
Prof. Dr. Tsu Tian Lee (Taiwan)
Prof. Dr. Mingcong Deng (Japan)
Prof. Dr. T. S. Zhao (Hong Kong)
Dr. Yew Soon Wong(Singapore))
Prof. Dr. Alan Oxley (Malaysia)
Prof. Dr. M. Ahmad Al-Nimr (Jordan)
Prof. Robert Grubbstrom (Sweden)
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Fedorov (Russia)
Prof. Wolfgang Borutzky (Germany)
Dr.Vitezslav Benda (Czech Republic)
International Program Committee
Please refer to http://www.pcoglobal.com
Submission of Full Papers:01/08/2010
Notification with Peer Review: 01/09/2010
Camera-ready Paper: 15/10/2010
Registration with Full Payment: 15/10/2010
All correspondence should be addressed to the conference secretariat:
Tel: 605 3711 416, 6085 44 3821
Email: [email protected]
Sincerely yours,
PCO'2010 Conference Secretary General
PCO Global