RISE 2005 is an international forum for researchers and practitioners interested in the advancement and rapid application of novel, integrated, or practical software engineering approaches, being part of a methodological framework, that apply to the development of either new or evolving applications and systems. It provides a nice opportunity to present and discuss the latest research results and ideas in the rapid and effective integration of software engineering techniques.
All papers submitted to this workshop will be peer reviewed by at least two members of the International Programme Committee. Acceptance will be primarily based on originality and contribution to the area.
The post-proceedings of the workshop should be published in the Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Series. The LNCS are published as printed books and as full-text electronic versions (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html).
The proceedings of RISE 2004 are available in LNCS Volume 3475.
Due to the tight schedule, during the workshop ERCIM-printed proceedings will be provided, while following the workshop, a complimentary copy of the published Springer LNCS RISE Volume will be post-mailed to each participant by the organizer.
- The European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM - http://www.ercim.org ).
- FNR - Luxembourg National Research Fund (http://www.fnr.lu).
- SE2C - Software Engineering Competence Centre of the University of Luxembourg (http://se2c.uni.lu).
- Institute of Computer Science (ICS), FORTH (http://www.ics.forth.gr).
RISE 2005 will be held in the island of Crete, Greece. This workshop is sponsored and organised by the Institute of Computer Science of FORTH (http://www.ics.forth.gr). The venue of the workshop will be the Conference Centre of Aldemar Knossos Royal Village
Hotel(*****) (http://www.aldemarhotels.com/page/default.asp?id=14&la=1), a seaside resort near Heraklion, where we will have full conference facilities at our disposal. It is a "village" of attractive bungalows, located 24 km east of Heraklion International Airport. This place is a well-known scientific and business destination, as many workshops, symposia, scientific forums, executive meetings and international conferences have been organised there in the past.
Bertrand Meyer, Professor of Software Engineering at ETH Zurich, and Founder and Chief Architect of Eiffel Software in California.
He is the inventor of the Design by Contract method, while his books include: 'Object- Oriented Software Construction', 'Reusable Software', 'Introduction to the Theory of Programming Languages' and 'Eiffel: The Language'.
Main topics
The following constitute the core list of the key software engineering domains that form the focal point of the RISE workshop. However, this list should not be considered as closed or technically rest