SIAM will celebrate its 50th birthday at "SIAM50", a special
annual meeting to be held in Philadelphia, July 8-12, 2002.
This meeting will survey past accomplishments, highlight today's
lively areas, and attempt to look into the future of applied and
computational mathematics. On behalf of the organizing committee
--- Marsha Berger, Heinz Engl, Walter Strauss, and ourselves ---
we ask you to join us at SIAM50.
Five outstanding researchers have agreed to give plenary talks:
Ingrid Daubechies (Princeton University),
Martin Groetschel (ZIB, Berlin),
Philip J. Holmes (Princeton University),
Cleve B. Moler (The Mathworks), and
George C. Papanicolaou (Stanford University).
SIAM50 will also feature twenty topical speakers covering the
breadth of SIAM's interests. A novel element of SIAM50 will be
five "minitutorials", invited minisymposia intended for non-experts.
These sessions, chosen by a special committee, focus on applications
where mathematics and computing are making substantial contributions:
learning-based statistical methods in computer vision; reverse
engineering gene networks; elliptic curve cryptography; discontinuous
Galerkin methods for partial differential equations; and harmonic
analysis in geometric modeling.
As well as a wide variety of technical sessions, SIAM50 will offer
* the opening reception with a 50-year retrospective,
* the community lecture followed by a reception at the
Franklin Institute,
* exhibits about the history and future of applied mathematics,
* an evening of professional development organized by a committee
of SIAM's next generation,
* diversity day, teachers day and
* a gala banquet. (Come prepared with a toast for SIAM.)
SIAM50 will include approximately 100 minisymposia, and we welcome
minisymposium proposals (due on January 16, 2002). Abstracts for
contributed and poster presentations are due on February 13, 2002.