This is a reminder that the deadline to send abstracts for the Seventh European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis is getting closer.
The workshop web site is up and running (www19.uniovi.es/7ewepa). We encourage you to browse through it. In particular, note that abstracts should be sent using the web page and should be about one page. The registration page will not be activated until the end of May.
There will be three keynote addresses:
'h George Battese (Univ. of New South Wales): Stochastic Frontier Analysis and Metaproduction Functions (Comment: Peter Schmidt).
'h Julio Segura (Univ. Complutense de Madrid and Bank of Spain): Regulation and Efficiency (Comment: Knox Lovell)
'h Bob Russell (Univ. of California-Riverside): Using Production Frontiers to Analyze International Macroeconomic Convergence, (Comment: Hal Fried)
There will be a conference trip on September 28th and a post-conference workshop on September 29th. The post-conference will have parametric and non-parametric parallel tracks. The European DEAPM Working Group will organize the non-parametric track. For more details, please contact Tarja Joro ([email protected]). As in NAPW, senior researchers will make some presentations. So far, Knox Lovell and Spiro Stefanou have agreed to chair a session on common mistakes in efficiency papers. Their experiences as editors of the J. of Productivity Analysis and the American J. of Agricultural Economics guarantees a very interesting session.
For those of you interested in booking air-tickets early, Iberia (www.iberia.com) flies directly from London and Paris to Oviedo several times a week. Otherwise you will have to fly to Madrid or Barcelona and then make a connecting flight with Oviedo (OVD). An inexpensive option is to fly to Madrid and take a bus to Oviedo with ALSA (www.alsa.es). The bus takes about 5 hours. Another option is to take a train from Madrid (6 hours) or Barcelona . Check RENFEs web page: http://www.renfe.es/
The registration fee for the workshop is 25000 pesetas, which includes the post-conference, lunches, coffee breaks and one dinner. Limited financial support for graduate students is available for lodging and the registration fee. Applications should be sent to the workshop email address ([email protected]). If you apply for financial assistance, please do not register before receiving notification from the conference organizers.