Enterprise Applications are mission critical for organizations.
Currently there are several initiatives that see enterprise application integration as their natural playground, like Model Driven Architecture and Service Oriented Architecture. Now is the time to investigate how these approaches can provide added value.
This workshop welcomes contributions that identify a problem or issue in enterprise application architecture and propose and evaluate a solution. We want to discuss in how far proposed solutions are aware of the state-of-the-art database technology.
Applications, operating systems, database systems, hardware architecture and system administration concepts must be orchestrated to yield an optimized system architecture that tackles performance, stability, security, maintainability, and eventually total cost of ownership. In practice, it is always a holistic view that is needed
- it is known that system design approaches that overemphasize one of the software or hardware architecture aspects are likely to fail.
In this workshop we want to look for conceptual underpinnings of enterprise application architecture. We are interested in contributions that provide scalable solutions for highly available systems.
*** Keynote Speaker
- Laura Haas, IBM Silicon Valley Laboratory
*** Topics of Interest
- Model Driven Architecture, Enterprise Development Environments
- Service Oriented Architecture, Data Integration
- Sizing and Cost Estimation, Performance Benchmarking
- Mobile Workforce Access, Multi-Channel Architecture
- Autonomous Computing, Enterprise Grid Computing, Load Balancing
- Enterprise Component Platforms
*** Program Committee Chairs
- Dirk Draheim, Freie Universitaet Berlin (DE)
- Gerald Weber, The University of Auckland (NZ)
*** Program Committee Members
- Ilkay Altintas, University of California (USA)
- Thomas Arts, IT University of Goeteborg (SE)
- Sandrine Balbo, The University of Melbourne (AU)
- Rajendra Bose, University of Edinburgh (UK)
- Mark van den Brand, Hogeschool van Amsterdam (NL)
- Gill Dobbie, University of Auckland (NZ)
- Barry Dowdeswell, EDIS International Ltd (NZ)
- Hannes Federrath, Universitaet Regensburg (DE)
- Martin Grosse-Rhode, Fraunhofer ISST (DE)
- Richard Hall, Laboratoire LSR-IMAG (FR)
- Christoph Hartwich, Stamford Consultants (CH)
- Josva Kleist, Aalborg University (DK)
- Christof Lutteroth (NZ)
- Teresa Mallardo, Universita degli Studi di Bari (IT)
- Frank Maurer, University of Calgary (CA)
- Josephine Micallef, Telcordia Technologies Inc. (USA)
- Jan Newmarch, Monash University (AU)
- Uday Reddy, University of Birmingham (UK)
- Wolfgang Rother, IBM Deutschland (DE)
- Marcin Sikorski, Gdansk University of Technology (PL)
- Gerd Wagner, Universitaet Cottbus (DE)
- Rajeev Wankar, University of Hyderabad (IN)
- Yanchun Zhang, Victoria University (AU)