We are inviting your contributions to the conference with some of the following:
- Distribute the Call for Papers
- Submit papers
- Organize a special session
- Propose a panel or tutorial
The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer
Society Press and posted on IEEE Xplore portal.
Industry is also welcome to participate with special contributions.
We look forward to collaborate with you on making "TELET 2006" a successful and
enjoyable conference part.
Yours sincerely,
TELET 2006 Chair, Maciej Stasiak, Poznan University of Technology, Poland, [email protected]
AICT 2006 General Chair, Petre Dini, Cisco Systems USA / Concordia University, Canada, [email protected]
TELET 2006 addresses teletraffic modeling and management.
It covers traffic theory, traffic control and QoS, performance evaluation
methods, network design and optimization of wired and wireless
networks, and simulation methodology for communication networks.
Topics suggested (but not limited to):
Traffic and performance measurements
Traffic characterization and modeling
Trends and patterns
Scaling phenomena
Packet and flow level models
Traffic control and QosS
Queuing theory and queuing networks
Performance evaluation
Scheduling and admission control
Reservation and priority mechanisms
Overload control
Broadcast and multicast traffic control
Analytical and numerical analysis
Network design and optimization of wired and wireless networks
Mobility and resource management
Traffic monitoring and management
Traffic engineering in multi-technology networks
Internet traffic engineering
Traffic grooming
Simulation methodology for communications networks
Simulation models and tools