The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) is a biennial event of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). ICPR'06 will be hosted by Hong Kong Baptist University and held in Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. ICPR'06 will be a major multi-track international conference and provide a stimulating scientific environment for academics, industry and researchers to exchange their views and have a chance for in-depth face to face discussions.
The five selected tracks are:
Track I: Computer Vision and Image Analysis Track II : Pattern Recognition and Basic Technologies Track III : Signal, Speech and Image Processing Track IV : Systems, Robotics and Applications (with Associated Theme:
Track V : Cognitive Approaches & Soft Computing
Full paper submissions due: December 15, 2005 Notification of acceptances: March 15, 2006 Final camera-ready papers due: May 15, 2006
The paper page limit is 4 pages. Anonymous papers should be written in English and submitted in pdf format. Formatting instructions provided by the IEEE Computer Society Press are available from the ICPR'06 conference website. By submitting your paper, you warrant that neither it nor any related paper with essentially the same technical content has been submitted for publication anywhere else.