Country: China (CHN)
The Third International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence (IWACI2010) will be held in Suzhou, China during August 25-27, 2010, as a sequel of IWACI 2008 (Macao) and IWACI 2009 (Mexico City). IWACI2010 aims to explore advanced topics on computational intelligence covering the whole spectrum of the research fields. IWACI2010 Proceedings will be published by the IEEE to be included in EI Compendex. In addition, special issues of extended accepted papers may be published by SCI-indexed journals. The workshop includes all topics on neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computation. Papers will be reviewed and selected based on originality, significance, technical quality, and clarity. Authors are invited to submit full-length papers not exceeding 8 double-column pages to IWACI2010 Online Paper Submission System by April 1, 2010. |