Call for Papers
The pervasive connectivity of the Internet and the powerful
architecture of the WWW have created a tremendous opportunity for
conducting business on the Internet. The terms e-commerce and
e-business have been used to describe those systems and technologies
that make conducting business on the Internet possible. The purpose of
this workshop is to identify and explore the technical and related
technology managment issues and solutions for e-commerce on the
Internet. In particular, we are interested in the infrastructure
issues to facilitate e-commerce and Web-based information systems.
The WECWIS workshop is to be a forum for free exchange of ideas.
Particularly welcome are reports on experimental work, experience
with current standards and position papers addressing current and
future needs of e-commerce and Web-based information systems.
Topics for submission include but are not limited to:
+ Personalization and content management for e-commerce systems
+ Real-time Internet delivery technologies and scheduling protocols
+ Content distribution, caching and collaborative proxies
+ Security issues for e-commerce systems
+ Data mining techniques for e-commerce systems
+ Web-based information systems
+ Java technologies for e-commerce systems
+ QoS support in e-commerce systems
+ E-commerce based business models and architectures
+ Integration of e-commerce servers with legacy systems
+ Web content hosting and replication
+ Transaction and work-flow management for e-commerce systems
+ User interface support for e-commerce
+ Auction and negotiation technology
+ Formation of supply chains, coalitions, and virtual enterprises
+ Collaborative Commerce
+ Mobile Commerce
Important Deadlines
20 January 2001: Submission of papers (by 12 midnight, EST)
15 March 2001: Notification of acceptance
25 April 2001: Camera-Ready copy of accepted papers due
21 June 2001: Workshop starts!
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit regular papers, reports on work in
progress, as well as proposals for panel discussions. The paper
should not exceed 25 double-spaced, 8.5x11-inch pages (including
figures, tables and references) in 10-12 point font. The title
page should include a maximum 150-word abstract, five keywords,
full mailing address, e-mail address, phone numbers, and a
designated contact author. Submission can be made either
electronically or via the postal system, and must arrive by
midnight (EST) on the submission due date.
Electronic Submission: E-mail one PDF version of your manuscript
to the program chair at [email protected].
Postal Submission: Send five copies of your manuscript to:
Dr. Anindya Datta, WECWIS 2000
Chutney Technologi