This workshop will combine a wide range of topics important to
optimization problems governed by partial differential equation
(PDE) constraints in an integrated approach, fusing techniques
from a number of mathematical disciplines including functional
analysis, optimal control theory, numerical optimization, numerical
PDEs, and numerical analysis and application specific structures.
Invited speakers:
M. D. Gunzburger (Florida State University),
R. H. W. Hoppe (Univ. of Augsburg and Univ. of Houston),
K. Kunisch (University of Graz),
G. Leugering (Univ. Erlangen-Nurnb.)
A. T. Patera (MIT),
R. Rannacher (University of Heidelberg)
E. W. Sachs (University of Trier and VPI)
A short course will be offered on the first day of the workshop by
F. Troeltzsch (Technical University of Berlin) and M. Heinkenschloss
(Rice University) on properties of solutions and numerical approaches
to PDE constrained optimization problems.
Invited and contributed presentations will be scheduled during the
remaining three days. Participants who wish to present a talk are
invited to submit a title and an abstract to [email protected] by
April 30, 2005. Notification of acceptance will occur before May 20,