Workshop in Connecticut on Operator Theory and Applications IWOTA 2005

Event Detail

General Information
Sunday, July 24, 2005 - Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Days of Week:
Target Audience:
Academic and Practice
Event Details/Other Comments:

The Sixteenth International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications is
being organized at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA, where it will
be held from Sunday, 24 July to Wednesday, 27 July, 2005. The purpose of
IWOTA 2005 is to bring together mathematicians and engineers interested in
operator theory and its applications. Our special interest areas are:
- structured matrices and efficient computations,
- system theory and control theory,
- operator theory and function theory.
We welcome more proposals for special sessions.
The list of plenary and semi-plenary speakers includes:
Joseph Ball, Percy Deift, A.Dijksma, Paul van Dooren, Israel Gohberg,
Georg Heinig, William Helton, M.A.Kaashoek, Nikolai Nikolski, Lev Sakhnovich,
Ilya Spitkovsky, Eugene Tyrtyshnikov. Joachim Rosenthal, James Rovnyak,
Hugo Woerdeman,