Danny Chen
University of Notre Dame
[email protected]
Jean-Claude Latombe
Stanford University
[email protected]
Presented under the auspices of the DIMACS Special Focus on
Computational Geometry and Applications and DIMACS Special Focus on
Computational Molecular Biology.
Computer technology plays an increasingly important role in modern
medicine and life sciences. Many medical problems are of a strong
geometric nature and may benefit from computational geometry
techniques. The DIMACS workshop on Computational Geometry and Medical
Applications aims to provide a forum for researchers working in
computational geometry, medicine, and other related areas to get
together and exchange ideas, and to promote cross-fertilization and
collaborations among these areas. The theme of the workshop is on the
exploration of the applicability of computational geometry to medical
problems and the new challenges posed by the current medical research
and practice to the geometric computing study. Examples of topics
include surgical simulation and planning, geometric representation and
modeling of medical objects and human-body tissue structures,
geometric problems in medical imaging, computational anatomy,
registration and matching of medical objects, etc. The workshop will
consist of both invited and solicited contributions.