Country: United Kingdom (UNK)
Gilbert Laporte obtained his Ph.D. in Operations Research at the London School of Economics in 1975. He is professor of Operations Research at HEC Montréal, Canada Research Chair in Distribution Management, adjunct Professor at Molde University College, Bilkent University and the University of Alberta, visiting professor at the University of Southampton, and guest professor at the University of Science and Technology of China. He is also a member of the Interuniversity Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation (CIRRELT) and founding member of the Group for Research in Decision Analysis (GERAD). He has been Editor of Transportation Science, Computers & Operations Research and INFOR. He has authored or coauthored 15 books, as well as more than 450 scientific articles in combinatorial optimization, mostly in the areas of vehicle routing, location and timetabling.
The University of Edinburgh
School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
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50 George Square
Edinburgh EH8 9LH
The University of Edinburgh
Business School
29 Buccleuch Place
Edinburgh EH8 9JS