Media Coverage

Media articles featuring INFORMS members in the news.

Most Recent Media Coverage

Sheldon Jacobson: COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Chain Could be Easier Than Many Expect

Sheldon Jacobson: COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Chain Could be Easier Than Many Expect

Trib Live, October 7, 2020

Anticipation of a covid-19 vaccine is growing. The National Academy of Medicine issued the report “Framework for Equitable Allocation of Covid-19 Vaccine,” offering guidance on vaccine allocation. The process is certain to be fraught with politics, given that equitable, safe and effective all represent critical, albeit subjective criteria to assess the vaccine allocation process and meet the requirements of the vaccine supply chain.

What Can We Expect From a Winter COVID-19 Second Wave? No One Knows For Sure, but There is Reason for Hope and Concern

What Can We Expect From a Winter COVID-19 Second Wave? No One Knows For Sure, but There is Reason for Hope and Concern

USA Today, October 7, 2020

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, experts have warned about the horrors of the 1918 flu. After the first dangerous wave of infections that spring, cities and people relaxed their efforts to contain the virus and it came roaring back in the fall and winter, killing far more people. So far, COVID-19 hasn't behaved the same way. There was no summer break, and we're not seeing the ebb and flow that characterized the 1918 outbreak. It's been more like a forest fire spiking in one area while dying down in another. 

The Most Complicated Vaccine Campaign in History

The Most Complicated Vaccine Campaign in History

IPP Media, October 8, 2020

The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, along with state and local health departments, coordinates this process. These agencies distributed flu vaccines during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic this way, and they manage childhood vaccines every day. However, the COVID-19 vaccine will be a whole new challenge.

FRA RD&T: Using AI TO Improve Safety

FRA RD&T: Using AI TO Improve Safety

Railway Age, October 7, 2020

“The proper application of AI can create less operational risk and afford a safer environment. Continuous strengthening of the predictive algorithms associated with AI can deliver endless value toward eliminating variability, thus creating more productive capacity. Smarter railroading in the years ahead can be achieved by advancing use of AI technology,” says Federal Railroad Administrator Ron Batory.

Graduate School Dean Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Graduate School Dean Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Dayton Daily News, October 6, 2020

Dr. Adedeji Badiru, dean of the Air Force Institute of Technology’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management, will receive the second annual Taylor & Francis Lifetime Achievement Award during a virtual ceremony Oct. 30. This award is in honor of Badiru’s significant and pioneering contributions in the field of industrial and systems engineering and for his extensive publication record, including books, book chapters and also serving as the series editor or co-series editor of the “Systems Innovation Book Series,” the “Environmental and Occupational Health Series” and the “Analytics and Control Series.”

Media Contact

Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]

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An audio journey of how data and analytics save lives, save money and solve problems.

Artificial Intelligence

The Stargate AI Project: America’s $500 Billion Bet - But at What Cost?

The Stargate AI Project: America’s $500 Billion Bet - But at What Cost?

The Fast Mode, February 10, 2025

The telecom industry is at a pivotal crossroads, and the only choice forward for telcos is to pursue innovation without the fear of failure. Telcos must be willing to capitalize on emerging technologies and shifting market dynamics that will soon dominate the future telecom landscape. Three areas, in particular, telcos should begin investing in and exploring (if they haven’t already) include:


We all benefit from and are hurt by health insurance claim denials

We all benefit from and are hurt by health insurance claim denials

Atlanta Journal Constitution, January 23, 2025

Health insurance has become necessary, with large and unpredictable health care costs always looming before each of us. Unfortunately, the majority of people have experienced problems when using their health insurance to pay for their medical care. Health insurance serves as the buffer between patients and the medical care system, using population pooling to mitigate the risk exposure on any one individual.

Supply Chain

Issues And Ideas With Chris DeBello

Issues And Ideas With Chris DeBello

Issues And Ideas With Chris DeBello, February 28, 2025

Prof. Anna Nagurney explains what Rare Earth Minerals are and their importance in a variety of industries along with day-to-day life
