The Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications (COMAP) sponsors and administers a number of mathematical modeling contests open to college and high school students. Here are some information about this year's contests!
Mathematical Contest in Modelling (MCM) and Interdisciplinary Contest in Modelling (ICM)
COMAP'S Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) is an international contest open to undergraduate students of all disciplines. The contest provides students the opportunity to engage in and improve their math modeling, problem solving, and writing skills. During the contest student teams build and analyze a model to address a problem, and then write a paper to showcase their work. In 2020, students formed over 13,700 teams to address one of three open-ended problems (A-Continuous, B-Discrete, C-Data Insights). The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM) runs parallel to the MCM with the same requirements. In 2020, students formed over 7200 teams to address one of three open-ended problems (D-Operations Research/Network Science, E-Environmental Science, F-Policy). Each team can have up to three students, and there is no limit on the number of teams a school can register for the contest. Scholarship prizes are awarded to top teams.
NEW for 2021: Team members may work virtually! Let our contests be part of your in-person, hybrid, or virtual classroom. Registration required by Thurs. Feb. 4, 2021. Follow us on Twitter @COMAPMath.
Contest Flier and Registration:
High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM)
COMAP’s High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM) was held on November 4-17, 2020! HiMCM is an international contest designed to provide students with the opportunity to work as team members to engage in and improve their modeling, problem solving, and writing skills. Teams from your school apply mathematics to model and develop a solution to a real-world problem. Each team can have up to four students from the same school, and there is no limit on the number of teams a school can register for the contest. See Follow us on Twitter @COMAPMath for up-to-date contest information.
For more information and to view past problems and results visit: