Search Results

All search results for . 11011-11020 of 19510 results.

FreightTech 25: UPS' ORION software doesn't defy the law of physics. It just seems that way

Kahkashan Afrin

Navigating Commodity Price Uncertainty Using Financial and Operational Strategies
...Consider the following events. In 2008, Dow Chemical Company imposed an ...

Caroline Margaret Johnston

Vinayak (Vinny) Ahluwalia
...2018 - Vinny Ahluwalia is a junior at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, ...

Dipayan Banerjee
...2018 - Dipayan is a senior at Northwestern University from Jacksonville, Florida...

With weight loss being a common self-improvement goal does the ‘buddy system’ approach to weight loss work?
...A new research study says, yes, but its not that simple Key Takeaways:&...

Simulation Software Survey
...The information in the survey was provided by the vendors in response to a ...

Hemeng (Maggie) Li
...2018 - A senior joint computer science and math major at Harvey Mudd ...

How much do aging runners really slow down? Maybe less than you think