Search Results

All search results for . 11181-11190 of 19508 results.

2011 Edelman Competition Videos
...The 2011 Edelman Competition was held in Chicago, IL on April 11...

2015 Edelman Finalist IBM
...Predictive Cloud Computing Efficiently Manages Digital Experiences and Showcases...

2010 Edelman Competition Videos
...The 2010 Franz Edelman Competition was held in Orlando, Fl on April 19...

2015 Wagner Prize Finalist - Ford Motor Company & University of Michigan
...Scheduling Crash Tests at Ford Motor CompanyWe present the problem of scheduling...

2015 Edelman Winner Syngenta
...Good Growth Through Advanced AnalyticsSyngenta is committed to bringing greater ...

2015 Wagner Prize Finalist - U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign & CSX Transportation Inc.
...Integrated Planning of Multi-type Locomotive Service Facilities under Location, ...

2014 IAAA Videos

2016 Wagner Competition Videos

Taking Truck Driving Routes Beyond GPS
...Every day millions of people rely on GPS to navigate to and from locations ...

2013 IAAA Videos