Search Results

All search results for . 11871-11880 of 19507 results.

Rajan Varadarajan

Inventory Management in Humanitarian Operations: Impact of Amount, Schedule, and Uncertainty in Funding
...Humanitarian organizations depend on donor funding to manage their operations.&...

How Statistics (and O.R) Guided One INFORMS Member Through Cancer - and The Price is Right

Why Companies Should Respond When Twitter Rage Spikes

Counterfeiting improves fashion qaulity, new INFORMS journal study finds
...CATONSVILLE, MD, August 19, 2015 Counterfeit products have the power to ...

Friends’ online influence increases ecommerce purchases by over 60%
...Higher rate of purchase linked to any & all friends, not just influencers...

Wine Futures and Selling Wine Before Bottling
...In a recently accepted paper in Manufacturing & Service Operations ...

Beril Burcak

Osman Rauf Karaaslan

What is Insight?
...Most of us use the word insight in virtually the research article or ...