Search Results

All search results for . 1311-1320 of 20197 results.

CP-AI-OR 2001 Third International Workshop on the Integration of AI and OR Techniques
...The integration of techniques from AI and OR has shown in the past years...

ICM2002 - Beijing Satellite Conference on Scientific Computing

4th Cracow Conf on Graph Theory (CZORSZTYN '02)

Int'l Conference on Scientific Computing, Partial Diffenential Equations and Image Processing
...There have been very rapid developments of efficient algorithms...

15th Belgian Conference on Quantitative Methods and Decision Making
...The SOGESCI-BVWB invites you to attend the fifteenth ORBEL conference which will...

Workshop on Numerical Linear Algebra
...The goal of the week-long workshop is to bring together computational...

Computational Linear Algebra with Applications (Milovy 2002)
...The meeting will concentrate on computational methods, namely on...

WECWIS 2001 -Third Int'l Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web-based Information Systems
...Call for Papers...

Mathematical Challenges in Scientific Data Mining
...Building on the growing interest in the application of data mining to...

CORS Annual Conference jointly with Optimization Days
...Conference theme: "Decision-Aid for Performance Enhancement&quot...