All search results for . 17891-17900 of 20203 results.
Opinion: Why it's impossible to predict mass shootings like San Jose
2021 INFORMS Prize Presentation
How did the Suez Canal cargo ship get stuck? What we know about blockage, effect on supply chain
Hassan proposes bipartisan bill to improve math teaching
2021 UPS George D. Smith Prize Winner - University of Iowa
Create Diversity and Inclusion with Positive Emotions, Empathy, and Contagious Events
Managing Trade-offs in Protein Manufacturing: How Much to Waste?
...Biopharmaceuticals constitute around 40% of the clinical development pipeline (...
Page 6
...Supply Chain Management Software SurveyPage 6...
New Research Says Better Management of Customer Care on Twitter Leads to Nearly 20% Increase in Customer Satisfaction
...INFORMS Journal Information Systems Research New Study Key Takeaways...