All search results for . 18541-18550 of 20081 results.
INFORMS John von Neumann Theory Prize awarded to UCSD professor
INFORMS NEWs: In Memoriam - Charles D. Flagle (1919-2016)
...Charles D. Flagle, a pioneer in bringing operations research to bear on public ...
Want to Increase Donations? Choose Your Words Carefully.
INFORMS News: In Memoriam - András Prékopa (1929-2016)
...Dr. Andr��s Pr��kopa, mathematician, operations researcher, member of the ...
INFORMS presents Penn State grad student with two awards at Annual Meeting
Riders on crowded trains key on mobile ads: Marketing Science study
INFOMRS NEws: In Memoriam - Leo G. Kroon (1959-2016)
...Leo G. Kroon, a professor of quantitative logistics at Rotterdam School of ...
UPS George D. Smith Prize finalists 2016
...CATONSVILLE, MD, February 24, 2016 ��� The Institute for Operations Research and...
The Impact of Supplier Inventory Service Level on Retailer Demand
...Setting an appropriate inventory service level is critical and requires ...
Break into data science with CAP certification