Search Results

All search results for . 3361-3370 of 19490 results.

Marketing Analytics Lilien
...HANOVER, MD, November 29, 2012 Fortune 1000 companies that increase their ...

Pablo Hernandez-Coronado

Esperanza Herraiz

Did Nate Silver beat the tortoise?
...By Arnold BarnettNate Silver uses a statistical model that is subtle, ...

Jorge Valero

William Nanry

Statisticians help make the world go around
...By James J. Cochran and John Brocklebank...

Steve Dininger

Analytics: Why communication is crucial
...By Gary CokinsMost advocates of analytics do not have problems performing ...

INFORMS NEWS: INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics & O.R.
...Two senior executives from marquee companies Nicole Piasecki, (VP of ...