Search Results

All search results for . 3611-3620 of 19494 results.

Cost and treatment uncertainty drive healthcare coverage choice

2017 IAAA Finalist: Assurance of Supply Center – Excellence through Supply Network Optimization
...Caterpillars Assurance of Supply Center (ASC) combines world class supply ...

INFORMS Ethics Guidelines
...Foldable Ethics Card...

Holiday Retirement
...Supporting Organization:  Prorize...

2017 IAAA Finalist: Multi Criteria Analy. & Vis and Simulation to Support Regen. of Railways
...Combining Multi Criteria Analysis with Interactive Visualization and Real Time ...

Zara Uses Operations Research to Reengineeer Its Global Distribution Process
...Fast fashion is a term often associated with this Spanish clothing ...

2017 IAAA Winner: Audience Targeting Solutions Powered by Advanced Analytics
...For decades, television advertisement deals had been guaranteed using only ...

Scott Shanaberger

New study shows important economic contributions of H-1B visas
...CATONSVILLE, MD, June 7, 2017 A new study in the INFORMS journal Management ...

Amber Hyde