Search Results

All search results for . 4831-4840 of 20181 results.

In Case of Emergency
...A catastrophic health event, such as a terrorist attack with a biological agent...

The Iraq Situation
...Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner...

Building, Operating a Hybrid Course
...This month's column concludes a short series on the notion of a "hybrid&...

Publish and Flourish
...The teaching, research and practice of OR/MS is not amenable to traditional oral...

Research Videos: a Star is bORn
...Richard Larson's article "Web Video: Transformational Option for O.R.&quot...

MIT's LINC Offers Quality Education Around the World
...With today's computer and telecommunications technologies, people around the ...

By Integration by Differentiation
...In my August 2007 column, I wrote about the growing expectations of, but also ...

Sally Stanford's Parable
...At the wine tasting party, agroup had gathered around the O.R. analyst and the ...

Crack, Queues, Politics, Motherhood and More
...The column "O.R. in the News" returns with an important mission: to ...

Why the U.S. healthcare system is so sick ... and what O.R. can do to cure it
...Americans spend more than $2 trillion a year on healthcare, half of it is wasted...