Search Results

All search results for . 5321-5330 of 19507 results.

Willie van der Merwe

Robert Benson

Pradeep K. Chintagunta

Juanjuan Zhang

Jun B. Kim

Gerard J. Tellis

CARE Int’l Pre-Positions Disaster Relief Using Promising Discipline of Humanitarian Logistics
...HANOVER, MD, July 21, 2011 Operations research models developed by a team at...

INFORMS Journal Announces Special Issue on Using Logistics, Analytics in Humanitarian Relief
...HANOVER, MD, July 21, 2011 In the wake of the devastating Japanese tsunami, ...

15th Annual International Conference of SOM
...Details will be put up in conference website as we get closer to the conference ...

Analytics Conference Highlights Growth of Analytics in Business, Government Decision Making
...White House Rep, UPS VP, Executive Forum, World Series of AnalyticsCHICAGO, ...