Search Results

All search results for . 6331-6340 of 19507 results.

Airline Optimization
...Researchers at IBM have played a fundamental role in the development of the ...

New Challenges in Service Productivity and Innovation

Susan Martonosi

President's Award Sets Record Straight
...In a political blunder he's still trying to live down, Vice President Al Gore ...

TutORials in Operations Research
...The newest INFORMS publication is the book series "TutORials in Operations ...

Amr Farahat

ALIO-INFORMS Joint International 2010 Buenos Aires
...We invite members of ALIO, INFORMS and the worldwide OR/MS community to join us ...

New Books
...Automation and Production Systems: Methodologies and Applications...

The Shift to Knowledge-based Decision-Support Systems
...Recent articles in OR/MS Today have reminded me of the adage, "If you only ...

8th International Conference on Decision Support for Telecommunications and Information Society
...The conference is devoted to issues of decision support in applications to...