Search Results

All search results for . 6561-6570 of 19507 results.

Measuring Success in 21st Century Conflicts
...In 1994, in an INFORMS panel discussion, Dave Haut, then chief of the Analysis ...

Voting Queues Present Complicated Problems

The People's American Bank
...The home team was losing again, but the O.R. analyst didn't mind too much. The ...

O.R. in the O.R.
...Saving money is one thing. Saving lives is another. Saving huge amounts of money...

The Praetorian Guard's Parable
...The O.R. analyst was recounting to another colleague, a historian turned systems...

Ports o' Call for O.R. Problems
...If one looks in the Oxford Dictionary for "ports," one will find the ...

President's Desk
...About 15 years ago, I was at a consulting client delivering the final code for a...

Your Next Teaching Vehicle may be a Hybrid
...Among the many challenges faced by educators in our field is shrinking real ...

Venture Outside O.R. Comfort Zone
...In the most recent issue of OR/MS Today, Saul Gass and Arjang Assad reported on ...

Management Sciences Group Thrives at PPG Industries
...Editor's note: This is another in a series of articles profiling members of the ...