Search Results

All search results for . 7061-7070 of 19508 results.

Georgina Hall

INFORMS News: Winter Simulation Conference 2016
...The 2016 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) has been the premier international ...

Terrence Mak

INFORMS News: In Memoriam - Jack Borsting (1929-2016)
...Jack Borsting, an INFORMS Fellow and a former assistant secretary of defense ...

Do Facebook's privacy controls impact user behavior?

INFORMS NEWs: In Memoriam - Charles D. Flagle (1919-2016)
...Charles D. Flagle, a pioneer in bringing operations research to bear on public ...

INFORMS News: In Memoriam - András Prékopa (1929-2016)
...Dr. Andrs Prkopa, mathematician, operations researcher, member of the ...

INFOMRS NEws: In Memoriam - Leo G. Kroon (1959-2016)
...Leo G. Kroon, a professor of quantitative logistics at Rotterdam School of ...

INFORMS Koopman Prize presented to Penn State graduate students

INFORMS Distinguished Fellow Award presented to University of Washington professor