Search Results

All search results for . 7181-7190 of 19508 results.

Daniel Huppmann

Sauleh Siddiqui

...Doug Samuelsonsamuelsondoug@yahoo.comThe group that had gathered to watch the ...

Less is More: Fewer Major Improvement Suggestions Can Enable Us to Review Even Less and Progress Even More
...As we strive to review less (2 reviewers and 2 rounds of reviews), the journal ...

Probability Management: Rolling up operational risk at PG&E
...Utility companies operate thousands of miles of pipelines carrying flammable ...

Curt Stripling

2016 Wagner Prize recognizes research to improve safety of driving routes for heavy trucks
...CATONSVILLE, MD, December 12, 2016 Every day millions of people rely on GPS ...

Shomesh Chaudhuri

Auyon Saddiq

Predictive Analytics: Sound data science
...By Eric Siegel...