Search Results

All search results for . 8001-8010 of 20188 results.

Inside Story: Strange days, weird science
...Peter Horner, editorpeter.horner@mail.informs.orgReaders of a certain age with a...

Mobile shopping behaviors and other things entrepreneurs need to know

President’s Desk: Return on investment from (operations) research
...Brian Denton...

Holiday Retirement's innovative revenue management system achieves significant revenue gain
...The accelerated rise of the aging population is fueling the dramatic growth of a...

Forum: Opportunities for O.R. at the National Science Foundation
...By Laura AlbertThe mission of the National Science Foundation (NSF) is to ...

Issues in Education: Survey: Analytics student population continues to grow
...By Irv Lustig...

INFORMS Initiatives: Innovative apps, video library, skills workshop
...2018 IAAA competition accepting entriesEntries are now being accepted for the ...

PuzzlOR: A long walk
...John Toczekpuzzlor@gmail.comWalking in large cities poses some risk to ...

Viewpoint: Can technology create a risk-free market?
...By Carol OzemhoyaSome people worry about technology costing people jobs and ...

Harnessing the Air Around Us
...By Larry Megan and Kristin Bruton...