News Room

A collection of press releases, audio content and media clips featuring INFORMS members and their research.

Online Dating Sites: The Size of the Potential Dating Pool Makes all the Difference
News Release

BALTIMORE, MD, September 11, 2024 – Online dating sites have become one of the more popular means for people to meet each other and explore the potential for a romantic relationship. But did you know that it’s the size of the online dating pool that could make or break your own quest for love?

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Presidential election chaos drives early holiday shopping
Media Coverage

Blame the presidential election for extra early Christmas shopping this year.

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Sheldon H. Jacobson: Is artificial intelligence for the birds? More than you may think.
Media Coverage

The test for any breakthrough technology is often where you least expect it, but once it “conquers” that application, even more possibilities may emerge.

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Resoundingly Human Podcast

An audio journey of how data and analytics save lives, save money and solve problems.

Media Contact

Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]

INFORMS in the News

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Expert Tips for Throwing a Socially Distant Party

Expert Tips for Throwing a Socially Distant Party

Newsmax Health, June 29, 2020

We're gearing up for July Fourth activities, and outdoor barbecues are a great way to celebrate. Social distancing guidelines needn't put a damper on summer gatherings and patio parties, say experts, who offer simple tips that will keep everyone safe during the coronavirus pandemic.

Vicki Bier: With Flexibility and Knowledge Sharing, Wisconsin Communities Can Recover from COVID-19

Vicki Bier: With Flexibility and Knowledge Sharing, Wisconsin Communities Can Recover from COVID-19

The Cap Times, June 24, 2020

As Wisconsinites respond to the ongoing pandemic, communities and their leaders care both about saving lives and about protecting jobs, businesses and the economy. This can be a difficult balancing act. Our communities are all facing deep uncertainties about how to deal with a brand new disease. Thus, it is not surprising that different places are choosing different paths forward, depending on their circumstances. Some are opening slowly in hopes of fighting the virus, while others are reopening faster in the expectation that life will get back to normal soon.

COVID-19: The Great Artificial Intelligence Accelerator

COVID-19: The Great Artificial Intelligence Accelerator

Inside Big Data, June 28, 2020

The world is in the midst of a historical turning point. The COVID-19 pandemic has effectively halted life as we once knew it, and left the open question, “what will our world look like when ‘normal’ life resumes?” While we don’t have a crystal ball that allows us to peer into the future, history has given us a template on what to expect. 

Stop Wearing Face Masks Incorrectly

Stop Wearing Face Masks Incorrectly

The Hill, June 24, 2020

Face masks have been a lightning rod for national debate and public conflict. Airlines require flight crews and passengers to wear masks on airplanes. Retail outlets require customers to wear masks when shopping. University campuses require students, faculty, and staff to wear masks as a condition for reopening in the fall. The list of venues that require masks for entrance or service continues to grow.

Q&A: MIT Operations Researcher Talks COVID-19 Vaccination Hurdles

Q&A: MIT Operations Researcher Talks COVID-19 Vaccination Hurdles

Healthcare Packaging, June 25, 2020

Around the world, scientists and citizens alike are hoping for a COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Anthony Fauci is “cautiously optimistic that we will have a vaccine within a reasonable period of time, not only from Moderna, but from other companies too.”

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OR/MS Today is the INFORMS member magazine that shares the latest research and best practices in operations research, analytics and the management sciences.

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Analytics magazine showcases articles and research reports based on big data, AI, machine learning, data analytics and other new-age technologies.

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