Search Results

All search results for . 6201-6210 of 19507 results.

INFORMS Annual Meeting 2011 Charlotte
...TransfORmation a thorough or dramatic changeTodays world has fast-...

Eight Suggestions for Teaching Modeling to MBAs
...Editor's Note...

The Science of Better Synergy
...Richard C. Larson often describes operations research as both the "world's ...

2009 Revenue Management and Pricing Section Conference
...Chair: Martin Lariviere, The Kellogg School, Northwestern University, m-...

O.R. and Analytics in the News

MSUG Annual Conference
...If you are a Simulation Practitioner, a Manager of Simulation activities, or a ...

Math Works in the Real World (You just have to prove it again and again)
...Any mathematician plying their trade in the business world cannot help but feel ...

History in the Making
...With visions of their fledgling field's success during World War II still ...

9th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation and Metaheuristics in Combinatorial Optimization

New Model for Military Operations
...Business leaders in America have long known that being able to adapt to changing...