Search Results

All search results for . 6151-6160 of 19507 results.

Repaired For Takeoff
...Seven years ago, Anna White, director of Crew Technology at Houston-based ...

Raising Social Capital
...Over the last year, many people within INFORMS have been pondering a fundamental...

Systat 11

Downsizing: The Easy Way Out
...The following is a true story. The names have been changed to prevent a large ...

...The Council of Logistics Management has adopted this definition of logistics...


And the Winner Is...
...In the February issue of OR/MS Today, we wrote a story on INFORMS President-...

To Catch a Tech Thief
...The International Chamber of Commerce estimated, and the Associated Press ...

The Sense-and-Respond Enterprise
...Over the past three decades, operations research groups within the IBM Research ...

Caution: Bottoms-up Work Ahead
...INFORMS President Richard Larson "looks to integrate his plan to bolster ...